What’s Harmonic Progression all about?

Raising awareness

There’s no point ignoring the fact that our way of life is destroying the planet. The climate is changing due to global warming, many species are dying out because they can’t adapt to the new climate or their habits are being destroyed, resources such as fresh water are running out, and our agricultural system is broken. And that’s just to name a few of the problems.

Although it’s painful to consider these issues, we can’t address them if we don’t know about them.

That’s why we inform people in classical music world about what’s going on.


Many people feel like they can’t make a difference, or they don’t know what they can do.

We give people in the classical music world concrete ideas, and invite them to take part in projects and campaigns.

That’s why we run Strings4All and One Task a Month.


There are hugely inspiring initiatives all around us - many people in the world are trying to do good things for the planet!

Our One Task a Month pages are designed to show what people in classical music are doing, and inspire others to follow suit.

Who’s behind the project?

The founder, Sam Goldscheider (pictured here) has worked in classical music for over 10 years. He founded Harmonic Progression in order to inspire more people in the classical music world to think about and take action for our planet.

What does he really think will help? Letting go of self-centredness (no-one is that important :)), reducing consumption, and realising we’re connected, rather than more important and disconnected, with the rest of the world.