One task a month

Mariagabriela Barreto Ledezma


  • Wherever my plants and books are. As of right now, that would be the beautiful little city of Mainz in Germany.

  • This is a very tricky one because nature fascinates me, but I absolutely love forests and rivers, lakes or beaches. I find them all mesmerizing and relaxing.

  • It is impossible to choose! My current top three: dogs, hedgehogs and squirrels.

  • Because even though most of the tasks are things I have been slowly incorporating in my everyday life during the past few years, committing to 1 task a month gives me a little achievable goal that I can fully explore during that time. It makes it fun and measurable.

 December 2023

Task taken on:

My choice for this month is to eat fruit and vegetables in season 😊


 July-November 2023

I didn’t manage to take on a task - but I’ll keep trying next month :)

 June 2023

Task taken on:

For June, I will avoid 1 vegetable/fruit not in season and try to find only in-season options. 


I didn’t manage to complete the task, but I’ll try again next month :)

 May 2023

Task taken on:

Substitute one meal a week which would normally include meat with a plant-based protein (e.g., lentils, chickpeas, tofu, quinoa)


My May task went great. I substituted meat with smoked Tofu while preparing a "meatball" sandwich and also tried a recipe for vegan burger patties made of unripe spelt grains. For more protein content I added some flaxseeds to both recipes and they turned out great! I'm happy to have added some new protein-rich recipes to my menu. 

 February 2023

Task taken on:

Substitute one meal a week which would normally include meat with a plant-based protein (e.g., lentils, chickpeas, tofu, quinoa)


I didn’t manage to complete it this month and took a task-break until May.

 January 2023

Task taken on:

I didn’t manage to complete my December task, so I’m going to take it on again this month (do some digital decluttering, including apps and online files). 


Yes! My January task went great! I was able to clean up my devices/online storage quite a lot, so it was a tedious but successful task. 

 December 2022

Task taken on:

For December I choose to do some digital decluttering, including apps and online files. 


I didn’t manage to complete my December task.

 November 2022

Task taken on:

Get to know plant-based food full of protein and include it in a meal twice a week.


My November went fantastic with the plant-based additions to my diet. What started as "I'm trying more ways to prepare Tofu", ended up with me eating smoked tofu sandwiches at least 3 times per week, cooking more vegetables and even reading a book about the plant-based nutrition.